We are relocating!

It was not an easy one, but eventually we managed to make a decision. And that means that our office has a new address since friday 9 December 2022:

Prinses Alexialaan 70, 3rd floor
2496 XA  The Hague
The Netherlands

For almost 6 years we were located at the Overgoo in Leidschendam and over those years our team has grown considerably. Whereas we moved into that location in 2017 with 13 colleagues, our office currently counts 21 people and we expect to grow even further in the coming years.

Particularly in the last two years, many new faces have joined us (and a few have left again) and, as a result, the question of our housing began to arise more and more. Because we want to offer every colleague, now and in the future, a pleasant working environment at the office, the choice eventually fell on the larger floor at the Prinses Alexialaan. In addition, a larger team brings with it more (external) appointments, so the need for more meeting rooms also played an important role in this choice.

Admittedly, it felt somewhat ambiguous, since the trend among many companies is actually scaling down in square footage, due to increased working from home since the corona pandemic. Going against that flow and consciously opting for more space, then doesn’t seem the most logical at first. Nevertheless, we noticed in our team that people like to come to the office and we certainly want to facilitate and invest in this.

Currently, most of the (construction) work for the relocation is done and on the 9th of december we actually relocated. Now we are settling down quietly until the holidays, so that we can go full throttle again from a beautiful new office in 2023.

Also convenient:

  • Other than our own parking, parking in front is free!
  • Ypenburg train station is ± 10 min walking distance.
  • Easily accessible by highway – A12 exit 5 towards The Hague and Nootdorp.